I have a curious mind. I’ll read or hear something that sparks an idea. I make a note of it in a journal, on a writing pad or a Post-It note, or in Evernote. And there it remains while the idea rolls around in my head for days, weeks, months, sometimes years. Now if I take that idea and post it on my blog, maybe something special happens. Writing it down and putting it there will free me from it. It’ll no longer be hidden in a journal or rolling around in my head. It’ll open up mental space for something new to explore. My circle of curiosity.
That’s my plan here – to post things that interest me. That’s the theme. The posts, like my interests and ideas, are all over the place. What connects them is my curiosity.
I always have something to say – some of it worth sharing. I’ll pass it along through this blog and maybe other people will find it helpful.
As of now I have no readership besides myself, maybe my wife and kids, or a few friends. That’s ok. Putting my thoughts and discoveries here helps me clear my mind and move on while creating a common place I can revisit in the future and take it farther if my mind goes back to it.
That’s why I’m writing here.