It’s only hours away from the start of a new year and I find myself, probably like most people, thinking of this past year and what the new year may hold.
I’m grateful to still be here thinking and writing about it.
This year was quite the adventure and sometimes quite the ordeal – some trips were canceled and we did get sick a couple times. But we did get to spend good time with family and friends.
The thing to remember is, our lives are incessantly messy and stuff happens. People get sick. Bad weather shows up. Trips get cancelled. Technology and systems melt down. Plans change. Some of this stuff happens on account of our choices, some of it is random.
Acceptance and learning to make adjustments become important human skills.
In context, our 2022 wasn’t all that bad. First world problems and all.
I’m not worried about tomorrow – I’m betting the sun will come up in 2023, like it always does. We’re looking forward to some new adventures.
For 2023 and on, it’s my hope that we find more love, respect, and compassion in our world. I will do my part to spread some of that around.
And here’s a beautiful Gaelic blessing as we say goodbye to 2022.
May it be so, now and throughout 2023, and forever more.