Gratitude is easy to talk about, but hard to put into practice.

Gratitude is easy to talk about, but hard to put into practice.

Today is Thanksgiving, a day where we are supposed to take time to think about what we’re grateful for – our family and friends, our health, and for the food we will eat. All the usual things.

And we should always celebrate that.

But what about the other stuff that happens in our lives? The obstacles, the frustrations and stresses, the challenges and failures of life? The dilemmas, the bad people, and the bad days?

Yes, we should be grateful for those things too. It’s all part of life. Everything that happens in life can be turned into something useful, something better. The question is, how are we going to think about them?

Instead of being grateful for just the usual things, I’m trying to find ways to express my gratitude for what is hard in my life.

  • Gratitude for my aching legs has me walking more, including rucking walks in the woods to see some nature.
  • Gratitude for unexpected challenges at work keeps my awareness sharp and my decision making steady.

There’s some opportunity in everything that I can learn from, letting me focus on what’s actually important and helping me to get better.

So on this day of Thanksgiving, I will appreciate it and give thanks for the obvious gifts present in my life. And I will make sure that everyday, on those ordinary days in my life, I will make gratitude a part of it – whatever may happen. There is some good in everything.

For all that has been, Thanks.
For all that will be, Yes.

The Song of the Bird, Anthony De Mello